An nuacht is déanaí

AGM 2024

The Public Service Friendly Society held it’s AGM in Buswells Hotel on Tuesday 14th May 2024.
Click to view Annual Report


Newsletter April 2024

Our latest newsletter is now available to view
Click to view: PSFS Newsletter April 2024

Exclusive Member Benefits Launch – CRIO Sept 2023

Click to find out more about our Exclusive Member Benefits






Newsletter August 2023

Our latest newsletter is now available to view
Click to view: PSFS-Newsletter-August-2023.pdf

AGM 2023

The Public Service Friendly Society held it’s AGM in Buswells Hotel on Tuesday 9th May 2023.
Click to view Annual Report


Karen Martin & Roisin Lyons

Exclusive New Member Benefits

The PSFS has launched a new suite of member only benefits in collaboration with Lyons Financial Services.


Click to find out more about our Exclusive Member Benefits


